Thursday 28 December 2006

liberating pickled onions

Out today with enthusiastic Labour members to deliver the 2007 Streatham South Labour calendar. Every home should have one, and in Streatham South, every home will have one before the first chime of the New Year.

It’s always good exercise for the week between Christmas and New Year, and we’re confident we will get them all delivered.
It can become quite mechanical, shoving calendars in letter box after letter box, but now and again someone I know walks past and stops for a chat, or someone follows me from a few doors back to raise a problem, prompted by the calendar, which also has our surgery times on it.

My favourite encounter of the day was with an old lady in Streatham Vale who flung open her front door and shoved a large jar of pickled onions in my hand.

“Ooh, are you strong?” she asked, peering at me over her glasses.

“I, um, get by,” I replied.

“Can you open it, dear? It’s stuck fast. I’ve tried standing it in boiling water, the lot. Have a go, do, dear.”

A younger woman walked up behind the old lady.

“Come on, councillor, show us what you’re made of,” she said.

Happily, the lid twisted easily, the pickled onions were liberated and I handed the jar back to the beaming old lady, together with a calendar.

“Just goes to show,” smiled the other woman, a neighbour, “councillors do have their uses.”

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