Thursday 27 July 2006

gas and water

It’s repellent to see British Gas shooting prices up today, with the expectation that the consumers – often people who can least afford even a tiny rise in prices – are expected to foot the bill for business failures. In Britain we pay more for gas than mainland Europe.

At the same time it’s surely morally wrong to be doling out money to shareholders. It often seems the utilities are the only industries where this kind of behaviour happens on such a scale and yet goes unchecked.

On a smaller scale, in my ward Thames Water appears to be intent on tipping any remaining goodwill literally down the drain. I’ve had an eleventh hour email from a “Community Liaison Executive” giving me a few days notice that Thames Water is planning to do something major in one of the busiest roads in the ward, Eardley Road. They tell me, in blandese, that they will be “tackling leakage, replacing the Victorian water pipes and finding and fixing leaks. We are also changing the way we manage the complex network of pipes that deliver water to your taps.” This will apparently cause inconvenience, which I take to mean they will be ploughing up the road, though they don’t say so.


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Maxine Foster said,
Maida Vale

Wed, 9 Aug 2006 - 4:13 PM

Couldn't agree more. And as for Thames Water - give me strength!


Angelina Marriott said,

Thu, 3 Aug 2006 - 7:28 PM

If British Gas had not been privatised, it would not be doling out money to shareholders. We are now paying the price for the sale of national assets. The theory of it creating competition and inturn improving service and keeping prices down has proved to be untrue.

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