Monday 31 July 2006

the people's plan

This evening’s Cabinet was, as ever, comradely and constructive, with entertainment provided by a trio of Lib Dems, led by the Leader of the Lib Dem group, who made a real arse of himself over our People’s Plan (also known, in managerial and insomniac circles, as the Corporate Plan – not the name I would choose for a really ambitious plan of action for Lambeth’s people, including things like delivering decent homes, expanding school places, massive regeneration, anti-crime initiatives, action to promote equality, lifting people out of poverty and offering better youth services).

We’re all aware of his enormous passion for scoffing, but his high-pitched insistence that there is nothing in the plan about value for money seemed to suggest he hadn’t read the thing quite as thoroughly as he could have done. As my colleague Cllr Sally Prentice gently pointed out, the first of our three priority outcomes, stated prominently in the plan, is “delivering high quality services that focus on individuals’ needs and represent value for money.” Despite laughter around the room, he continued to shrill insistently that value for money doesn’t rate a mention.

The other two Lib Dem councillors who bothered to turn up also managed to make spectacles of themselves, one (their housing spokesman) by continuing to deny, largely through the medium of heckling, that they ever got anything wrong with housing, and the other declaring theatrically that he did not “recognise the chair” and that he had a democratic right to speak, he must be heard, etc, and then spouting utter drivel – most of which seemed to point the finger back at Lib Dem education and finance failures (his Leader held the finance brief during their four years of failure so was looking understandably touchy at this point – what was all that about value for money?). This last Lib Dem is the sort of councillor who turns up to meetings, makes what he thinks is a grand populist intervention and then sweeps out grandly, with everyone left unimpressed as the door creaks shut and wondering why he bothered to turn up. Because we share the same surname, I am always worried that the tripe he talks will be ascribed to me.


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Steve said,
Fri, 4 Aug 2006 - 9:47 AM

They are just an example of what happens when the Lib Dims hopeless mismanagement is called to account by the electorate. Having failed in their four years in control they are now reduced to carping from the sidelines.

There is perhaps a lesson in this that some in our own party should learn. Personally I prefer to be in power, locally or nationally, but some would seem to enjoy the irresponsibility of opposition more.

Sarah Smith said,
Wed, 2 Aug 2006 - 3:46 PM

I don't think any Liberal could possibly be confused with your good self, councillor Bennett. Why don't they shut up after the embarrassing, nay, disastrous tenure at Lambeth? Were there any Tories there? Are there in fact, any left??

Alan Melville said,

Wed, 2 Aug 2006 - 8:27 AM

Your description is spot on Mark. I was at the meeting and every time a Liberal spoke I was wondering how the hell they got in four years ago. Never again I say!

It was good to see so many Labour councillors at the meeting too and making really strong contributions. I'm proud Lambeth has a Labour council with big plans.

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