Sunday 18 March 2007

Tories, Lib Dems and police

Interesting to read recent comments from Nick Herbert MP, Conservative shadow for policing, who said: “We do have the best resourced police service, more police officers and other stuff that we’ve ever had in this country before.”

Contrast that praise for the police, and the tacit acknowledgement that Labour has invested massively in policing, with the snipes the Lib Dems in Lambeth have been making at police recently.

Labour in Lambeth is investing in 22 PCSOs, ensuring they are fully trained by their implementation date (in April) which will mean that there will be 85 fully trained PCSOs utilising over 30 powers on the streets of Lambeth, divided equally across the 3 police sub-commands. The police support this move, which is why they have come in for flak from the soft-on-crime Lib Dems.

Our increase in PCSOs will further increase the already higher number of police patrolling staff we have in Lambeth (953), in comparison to Lib Dem Southwark (836)

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